Who Was Conner Darby Louisiana Boy?

The tornado season is normal but this season is very intense bringing a lot more casualties In societies. It was reported on Tuesday 13th December 2022 about the calamities and how difficult it has been for people. Many reports state that the mobile house sector has been most damaged in the tornado season. One such situation is of Conner Darby he is a 10year old boy who was living in The mobile house when the tornado hit and he was trapped all alone in his home during the harsh calamity. The boy lived with his family, but when the tornado hit his mother left him alone to go check on his father who is ill and is down the street. She left him for only some time when the storm came rushing and destroyed his home. Conner Darby lived on Bradley Lane with his mother. His mother told that when she was coming back from seeing his father she saw the tornado hit and was in shock she ran to go see the situation of her son to check if he was fine. But Darby was inside the house with their pets. She referred to the pets as her children. She has four dogs two turtles and rabbits as well. she was determined to save all of them from the calamity. But the calamity Did not alarm Conner as he was very calm under the situation and escaped from his house after his home collapsed. He escaped from a window and got hurt due to the open debris. The emergency services were called and conner was taken to the nearby local hospital where was getting treated for his injuries. The local rescue team and the police were shocked to see the child’s bravery. His mother stated that the situation in their House is hard and has been struggling to support itself for the past few years. But she said that she felt the presence of god on her in the disaster as he saved them from any more grave injuries. The family could not save their pets and are looking for the pets and their treatment as well. as their home collapsed they are looking for their belongings in the debris. They have a go fund open to support them so that they can start fresh with a new home.


Who Was Conner Darby Louisiana Boy  10 Years Old Trapped In Mobile Home During Vicious Tornado  - 24Who Was Conner Darby Louisiana Boy  10 Years Old Trapped In Mobile Home During Vicious Tornado  - 92Who Was Conner Darby Louisiana Boy  10 Years Old Trapped In Mobile Home During Vicious Tornado  - 73Who Was Conner Darby Louisiana Boy  10 Years Old Trapped In Mobile Home During Vicious Tornado  - 74